Contributes to changes and transformations required in the World of tomorrow 

KOFOD GLOBAL Advisory Services was founded in 2023 by Jeppe Kofod, former Minister of Foreign Affairs (Denmark)

Our Vision

Contribute to positive changes and transformations in a World with increasing geopolitical tension and fragmentation


Our Mission

Complement your team, from analysis/asking questions to facilitation of processes, giving guidence and contribute to development of concepts/solutions

Our Purpose

To provide value adding Strategy and Advisory services to organisations, contributing to a better world. 

Our Services

Strategy & Advisory Services based on our insights and our unique global network, including with national governments, EU institutions and international organisations.

We also offer to join Advisory Boards.

Kofod Global Advisory Services

Jeppe Kofod: Vi må være åbne over for fjerdegenerationsatomkraft i Europa

»Når den tyske grønne politiker og vicekansler Robert Habeck tager til Qatar for at købe gas, siger det alt om Europas ydmygelse. Qatar er et af verdens kun to wahabistiske (strengt islamistiske) regimer og med mildest talt tvivlsomt respekt for grundlæggende menneskerettigheder,« skriver Jeppe Kofod, der efterlyser en energi- og sikkerhedspolitisk frihedskamp. Læs Kronik > KLIK HER